Dogs have become an integral part of our society - as protectors, helpers or simply as loyal companions and playmates. And all dogs have one thing in common: their way of communicating, both with each other and with their people. But do all dog owners really understand why their dog shows particular behaviors in certain situations or what they actually want to communicate to them?
This book offers a comprehensive overview of all the possibilities of communicating with dogs and explains - supported by numerous color photos - the diverse behavioral repertoire of our four-legged friends. Particular attention is paid here to the fine nuances and the different levels of communication as well as conscious and unconscious communication. In order to live together harmoniously, you have to be able to “read” your dog properly if you want to understand what he wants to tell us and his fellow dog. In addition, communication is not only an important means of avoiding conflicts, but also of resolving conflicts. On the other hand, we humans also need to be able to express ourselves clearly to our dogs. To do this, we should see the world through the eyes of a dog. On a first-name basis with the dog - that's what this book does. A must for all dog lovers!
Uta Reichenbachhas lived with dogs since she was a child. Thanks to her many years of successful work as a dog trainer in the areas of training courses and dog sports, she has to deal with a wide variety of four-legged friends and their people every day. Understanding dogs properly and communicating with them is one of the most important prerequisites for their work. She summarizes all of her experiences and insights in this book in a clear and easy-to-understand manner.
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